Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Sense and Sensibility

I discovered Jane Austin late in life and am very fond of her books, but I have 1 very serious question... How could anyone manage with that many teenage girls in one household? Having just 1 such young woman in my home is somewhat like living with a hurricane - sometimes you're on the outer bands of the storm, sometimes you're in the calm of the eye, and sometimes you're in that northern band of the eyewall. My daughter just finished a social whirl which included (in 3 short days) 2 sleepovers, 1 party, a movie and pizza with her BFF, and 2 days of being a jr camp counselor for 6 year olds. When I informed her that she needed to stay home and rest I was informed that was "mean and unfair". A door slam and pout followed for the rest of the evening. The next day, I was asked to cuddle on the coach with said teenager, look through a catalog together and watch a DVD. I was given a hand drawn card and told I was the "best mom ever". And she didn't even ask for anything! I remember this age all too well and I just stand back and keep telling her that I love her. She'll pull through. And hurricanes tend to be followed by absolutely fabulous weather.