Barking Dogs
I live in a dog neighborhood. We all have obnoxious, barking, adorable pet dogs. Lots of them. (I own 3). A guy has moved in up holler from us. A guy who is definitely not from around here. A guy who doesn't have a dog. He turned up in my driveway tonight (when my husband was at the grocery store) and told me my dogs were driving him crazy. Before I could open my mouth to apologize (my dogs do bark a lot) he informed me that I was going to have to do something- he then suggested a shock collar (which might work but I don't have a spare $300 - 1 per dog) and then repeated that my dogs were horrible. He then proceeded talking to say that even though he had just moved in, he had found 6 people to sign a complaint about my dogs.(I'm not sure who - my neighbors talk to me pretty regularly and they're not shy about expressing their opinions.)
I finally got a word in edgewise to tell him that 1 - I didn't appreciate being threatened, 2 - I didn't want to talk to him anymore because I was losing my temper and 3 - the whole neighborhood has barking dogs (we really do have a bunch of very vocal dogs - that's why I don't worry about mine too much). My daughter was standing there and she stepped in to tell him that dogs barked and he needed to not worry about it and he interrupted her too. I then asked him to leave. I was getting angry and I don't like conflict at all (especially with strangers). He proceeded to call me an a****** (in front of my teen) and I went back in the house.
I can't wait until he complains about the chickens.
My stomach hurts. Thanks for letting me vent. I want my old neighbors back.
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