test test this is a test
I am so over testing children! As a teacher I am expected to assess my students and keep a record of their progress (or lack thereof) but this craze of the last 5 years or so to test test test has gotten out of hand. I teach kindergarteners and 1st graders. To give them a reading assessment is like taking a college exam and giving it to each student in the class individually, out loud, and writing down every word he or she utters while using a stop watch inconspicuously to keep the time. This is done during class time, not before or after while the other 18 students sit and "stay busy". I have done nothing but say "Be quiet, go away, I'm testing" for 10 DAYS. I finished my class this morning. We will be studying the scientific and mathematical properties of paper airplanes tomorrow. I think we all deserve it.
Okay enough rant. I will go find more pictures to take in the morning. It should be a beautiful drive - 'cause we're having thunderstorms tonight.
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